general discussion

This is the thread for civil discussion of things that aren't directly job-market-related.

Penn State controversy

This thread reserved for discussions of the Penn State elimination of the theory subfield, and of the letters written in response to it.

Senior theory hiring 2007-08

Rumors, interviews, jobs, and civil commentary on senior recruitment and senior moves in political theory.

public law hiring 2007-08

Senior or junior public law rumors, jobs, interviews, offers, acceptances in public law and jurisprudence. No junior names until offers are made.

Books, journals, and publishing

To replace the defunct "journals" blog, I'm creating a thread for discussion speficially on political theory journals, publishers, presses, articles, and books.

Political theory junior job market thread 2, 2007-08

Junior hiring in political theory. Job market rumors and news.

Please don't name particular junior candidates for particular jobs until an offer has been made-- no lists of who's been longlisted or shortlisted or interviewed.

Please keep this thread for job market information and discussion; there's another thread for general discussion.

RSS feed is a stable URL that will allow you to quickly see new posts on all threads on this blog, with the most recent at the top.