Nevada Caucuses

It's hard to come up with something meaningful to say at this point..about the only suspense remaining is at what point everyone will concede that there's no longer any doubt about the nomination. Well, I suppose there's suspense about what wild accusations Newt Gingrich will make next. I'm hoping that he'll turn against Rick Santorum, because I'd like to hear what kind of sneering disdain Newt can come up with for the Keystone state (to join his sneering disdain for Massachusetts, San Francisco, Chicago, New I missing anything? That's 18M+ Americans that Newt regularly sneers at if we confine it to city limits, quite a few more if we look at metro areas. It's true that there are liberals who do bash GOP-dominated states, but I'd be surprised if anyone could find an example of a Democratic national politician doing so, especially not as part of his or her regular public rhetoric).

Anyway, the biggest disappointment last night was in our TV pundits. I didn't watch all of it, of course, but I did have the TV on quite a bit on the cable nets, and despite the fact that Romney obviously had Nevada won with something around half the vote, I was terribly disappointed that the TV pundits didn't immediately move to create artificial suspense by deciding that Romney had to break 50% in order to "really" win the state. This shows an appalling lack of creativity in our TV pundits! We'll no doubt be overtaken by pundits from Japan or China or India or wherever it is that we're worried about being overtaken by these days.